The Priest and his Wife


The Priest and his Wife
Two different worlds on a journey together

My wife Idalis and I have been together for 8 years now and I’ve always been fascinated about her passion towards makeup and beauty products. Of course the fascination stopped when I noticed how long she took preparing herself before Sunday services (I digress). Any who, I decided to buy her a vanity table where she can place all of her beauty collections, go into her beauty world and not occupy the bathroom mirror for three hours when I need it. This table has become her zone, what I mean by that is, her place of connecting with her inner beauty and feeling happy about the woman she is and will continue to become. Almost 5 months ago my wife started a beauty blog called Idaglam and in this blog she shares anything you can think of that pertains to female beauty.
I decided to sit down with her not too long ago and asked her a series of questions regarding this important part of her life, because as her husband I felt the responsibility to know more. What makes her forget about the world when she sits in that vanity table? It has come to a point that if I have something to tell her that isn’t urgent and she is sitting at that table, I rather wait for a better moment to interrupt her. As she describes her feelings to me about how she feels when she sits in her vanity table, staring in the mirror, watching how beautiful she looks, she says; “I am instantly reminded of how beautiful God created me and my desire is to remind other women of how beautiful God created them as well”. It dawned on me how in a moment we know we are the beautiful creation of God made in His image, then all of the sudden life has a way of causing us to forget. Let's be honest, we have all been there, stepped on by life, mistreated, abandoned and yet no matter how worse the situation may be, we all have one particular day where an outfit, makeup or hair style restores the memory of our inner beauty.  It’s kind of funny to me how something we wear exteriorly whether its makeup, clothing, or hairstyle can remind us of our internal beauty.
This reminds me of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:7, as soon as they fell into the grip of sin they wore fig leaves to cover up their shame. I guess their actions have stuck with us till today. No matter who we are, no matter what titles we hold, there is always this “thing” we love to cover up about ourselves. Some of us overcame it a long time ago yet we still feel the urge to cover it up because we never overcame the shame, others are dealing with it now and struggle with the heavy weight of guilt. As a priest I assure you I have been there before. Even knowing the sacrifice Jesus made for me and how through Him all things are made new, life brings moments that cause memory decay. Adam and Eve wore fig leafs to cover up their shame but God sacrificed an animal to cover them with grace. What an amazing gesture, even in the midst of us forgetting his love and mercy, He covers us with his grace.

I am pretty sure there are times where my wife forgets about how amazing and beautiful God created her inside and out. I believe God uses that vanity table to cover her with his grace, reminding her of who she is through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ. See, I can relate to my wife even though I am a priest because in those moments where my memory seems to fail, God reminds me of his love and mercy. Every time I vest myself with my robes before Sunday service in my office, He reminds me that even though I was still a sinner, His son died for me. Every time I put on my chasuble, I feel He is dressing me with his love. Regardless of it being her vanity table or my study table, the one thing we can both say we have in common is that we both love The Table of the Lord. God can use many things to share his grace with us but there is only one place where he not only shares grace but he gives us the author of grace and that’s the table of communion. If there is one thing you get from this post, let it be this: Don’t just wear beauty, consume it. Eat and drink of him!

What has passed our lips as food, O Lord, may we possess in purity of heart. That what is given to us in time, be our healing for eternity. May Your Body, O Lord, which I have eaten, and Your Blood which I have drunk, cleave to my very soul, and grant that no trace of sin be found in me, whom these pure and holy mysteries have renewed. Who live and reign, world without end. "See what you believe, eat what you see and become what you eat" St Augustine


Rev. David Nunez +
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